We communicate school information via our school data system called Arbor. Emails, letters and attachments are sent regularly to our Primary Guardians through Arbor.
Parent Portal and the Arbor App
We now have a Parent Portal / Arbor App for Parents and Carers to access the data we hold on children and their parents/carers. Attendance and contact details are also shown within this portal. Our school uniform, school trips and breakfast and after school club orders, bookings and payments can now be placed using this system.
Please visit the 'Contact Us' page for a list of our contact email addresses and school telephone number.
Social Media
We regularly post school activities, events, school work and achievements on:
Instagram - standensbarnps
Parents and carers can contact their child’s teacher at any time during the school year by telephone or the year group email address. We will always aim to respond between 8:00 am and 5:30 pm (Monday to Friday) within 48 hours of receiving the email.
Please check your emails, our school website and social media for updates about the curriculum offer for your child and about what they are learning. We regularly send out information, especially at the beginning of a new school term.
We would also encourage you to ask your child about what they have been doing- we have the pleasure of talking to them about their school experiences and they are open, honest but also very enthusiastic!